Thank you for using Circlerest!

Your Privacy Rights – Effective January 22, 2024

Welcome to Circlerest! This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you use our website. By accessing, you agree to the terms described below.

How we collect information?

  • Account Information : When you join our Services, we collect information like your name, email address, birthday, gender, country of residence, your interests, and preferred language. If you have a business account, depending on where you live, you may also have the option to add race and ethnicity information to your profile.

  • User-Generated Content : We collect information when you save or create Circles, photos, or other content, interact with Circles or other content (for example, commenting or adding a Pin), or where you send messages and interact with other users.

  • Precise location information : Depending on where you live, you can choose to share your precise location using your device settings.

  • Automatically Collected Data : We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your device, browser, IP address, and browsing behavior. This helps us improve our services and enhance your experience.

  • Your communications with us : If you contact us for customer support or otherwise communicate with us, we collect the content of these communications.

How We Use Your Information?

  1. Personalization :

    We use your data to personalize your experience on Circlerest, recommend relevant content, and show you items of interest.

  2. Communication :

    We may send you emails related to your account, updates, and newsletters. You can opt out of these communications at any time.

  3. Analytics and Improvements :

    We analyze user behavior to improve our website, features, and services.

Keeping our users and the public safe

We review your activity and messages on our Services to detect spam or activity that poses a risk to our community or the public. This can include working with law enforcement to keep Circlerest safe.

  • Analyze users’ log data and device information to identify and investigate suspicious behavior or violations of our policies or Terms.
  • Conduct age verification, as appropriate. This may include matching your face against a government ID.
  • May access user information in relation to a legal claim, litigation, or regulatory proceeding.
  • Conduct analytics and research on who is using our Services and what they are doing. For example, by logging how often people use two different versions of a feature on Circlerest, we can understand which version is better.
  • Improve the products and services of our family of companies and offer new features. For example, using information to train, develop, and improve our technology such as our machine learning models.
  • Create aggregated or de-identified information that cannot reasonably be used to identify you. Circlerest processes, maintains, and uses this information only in a de-identified fashion for the purposes of this Privacy Policy and will not attempt to re-identify such information.

How we show you content that’s relevant, interesting to you?

  • Identify you when you use our Services.
  • Recommend Circles, boards, topics or content you might like based on your activity on our Services. For example, if you engage with cooking-related content on Circlerest, we may suggest food-related Circles and boards.

Information categories used

  • Account information (excluding race or ethnicity)
  • Content
  • Location information
  • Log data
  • Information from cookie data and similar technologies
  • Device information
  • Usage data and inferences
  • User choices

Making and Keeping Circlerest safe :

  • Work with law enforcement and researchers to keep Circlerest safe. We may get requests for account information from law enforcement authorities like the police or courts, or from researchers to study activity on Circlerest.
  • Analyze users’ log data and device information to identify and investigate suspicious behavior or violation of our policies or Terms.
  • Review your activity and messages on our Services to detect spam or activity that poses a risk to the safety of you, our community and/or members of the public.
  • Conduct age verification. This may include facial age estimation and matching your face against a government ID.

Legitimate interests relied on

  • It is in our interest and in the interest of Circlerest users to secure Circlerest systems and fight spam, threats, abuse or infringement activities and promote safety and security on Circlerest
  • It is also in our interest and the interests of other users to ensure our Services are used in accordance with our Terms.

How we show you content that’s relevant, interesting to you?

  1. Third Parties :

    • We may share aggregated and anonymized data with third-party partners for analytics and advertising purposes.
    • We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

  2. Legal Compliance :

    We may disclose your information if required by law or to protect our rights, safety, or property.

How and when we share information

Anyone can see the public content you post, such as boards and Circles you create and public profile information you give us. Depending on where you live, we also make this public information available through what are called APIs (a technical way to share information quickly). For example, a partner can study what their most popular Circles are or how their Circles are being shared on Circlerest by using a Circlerest API. We also share the categories of information described above:

  • With other services, at your direction. For example, when you decide to link your Circlerest account to third party services, or when you publish your content on Circlerest to such services, you direct disclosure of certain information to those services. Creators may direct us to share information with advertisers or other partners for paid engagements.
  • Depending on where you live, we share data for advertising and related purposes, including showing you ads about Circlerest on third-party services, showing you ads through our partners, and helping advertisers understand how ads on Circlerest perform. For example, when you fill out a lead ad form, or click on an ad on Circlerest, we’ll share this information with advertising partners.
  • With vendors that we employ to process information on our behalf based on our instructions and for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. For example, we share data with security consultants to help us get better at identifying spam. Some information we acquire may be collected by vendors on our behalf.
  • With law enforcement agencies, government agencies, researchers, or other parties in compliance with laws, rules, or regulations. For example, we may get requests for account information from law enforcement authorities like the police or courts. We only disclose information in response to such requests if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request; to protect the safety, rights, or property of the public, any person, or Circlerest; or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues. We may also share information if we believe it is necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm to a person in emergency situations.

Transferring your information

Circlerest is a worldwide service. By using our products or services, you authorize us to transfer and store your information outside your home country, including in the United States, for the purposes described in this policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in such countries may not be equivalent to those of your home country.

How long we keep your information

We keep your information only so long as we need it to provide Circlerest to you and fulfill the purposes described in this policy. When we no longer need to use your information and there is no need for us to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, we’ll either remove it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't use it to identify you.

If you live in the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland, here is some further information on our retention practices: We keep your information only so long as necessary for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy, which include providing our Service, or for other legitimate purposes, such as complying with legal obligations, enforcing and preventing violations of our Terms, to fight spam, or protecting or defending our rights, property and users. The storage periods are determined on a case-by-case basis. We keep account information, like your name, email address, and password, for as long as your account is in existence because we need it to operate your account.

Security Measures

1. Data Security:
  • We take reasonable measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse.
  • However, no method of transmission over the internet is entirely secure, so use Circlerest at your own risk.

Children’s Privacy

Children under 13 are not allowed to use Circlerest. If you believe a child has provided us with personal information, please contact us immediately. Also if you are based in a state or country with an older age requirement, you may only use the Services if you are at or over the age at which you can provide consent to data processing.

Security Measures

  1. Account Settings :

    You can update your account information and privacy preferences in your Circlerest account settings.
  2. Cookies:

    You can manage cookies through your browser settings.

Changes to this Policy

We may update this privacy policy periodically. Please review it regularly to stay informed about how we handle your data.